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?GenVideos? The Last Airbender Free Download

?GenVideos? The Last Airbender Free Download




  • directors=M. Night Shyamalan
  • 2010
  • writer=M. Night Shyamalan
  • 4,2 / 10
  • runtime=103 Minutes






Rarely have so many paid so much to support such incompetence. It"s like was out from the get-go to sabotage excellent source material. The kids and I are big fans of the original animated series; but I would count watching this reeking mis-fire as one of the most disappointing entertainment flubs we"ve ever made. I was totally disillusioned with the movie adaptation by about 7 minutes into it; forcing myself to watch on out of respect for the few few half-decent actors who were at least trying to salvage it.
I really hope the bumbling incompetence manifest in the adapting and directing of this monumental cinematic flop doesn"t sabotage the acting careers of any of the young talent. And it is painfully obvious that the director had low respect for the source material, even munging the names perhaps in a vain attempt to make it more "his" Ung and Zuko"s Uncle Ear-hole and the Uvotar? GMAB!
I can offer no spoilers. This flick was pre-spoiled the moment they gave it to this production team.

Avatar the last airbender 2 full movie free download in english. Avatar the last airbender apk free download. WHY DIDNT THEY MAKE A WHOLE CARTOON SERIES OF THAT. They should remake this movie, but leave Hollywood idiots out of it. The Last Airbender free download software. Tamil the last airbender 2 full movie free download. Guys... I think we all know the winner here. its Boomerang, it"s unbeatable and can beat all. The last airbender 2 full movie free download in english. Avatar the last airbender free download show. Ang is adorable, but yeah, he be thirsty. I dont want to hate on child actors but I will. They suck. My friend gave me this for my 7th birthday, Im 14 and still havent watched it. This movie looked like it was made by people who saw maybe a couple of episodes when it first came out and then nothing else.

True story. Is it weird when I get excited when he does videos on my favorite movies and shows even though he is technically trashing them. 2:28 honestly, despite the long list of flaws, this one part was probably what annoyed me most about this movie. The last airbender 2 full movie in hindi free download 300mb.


I see what you did there with the Thumbnail. Finsihed watching the last airbender on netflix- im actively mad at this movie for existing. This should just be a really quick video of someone saying “Everything about it is wrong. Thanks for watching, bye!”. Your point about knowing how good the show CAN be puts into words how I felt about this show. Watching it now again as an adult, the amazing parts of the show are the character arcs, and I felt myself waiting for those moments to appear on screen and disappointing when they weren"t explored more. Not that the other parts of the show are bad, far from it, but I felt like there were times where story lines were being explored and then almost forgotten for awhile. I see this most with Aang and Katara"s relationship. In book 2, there are many moments where you can see them beginning to grow close, understanding one another and becoming protective of one another. I felt a strong connection between the two of them and I wanted that to continue, but then this story line kinda just... disappeared for a while and was scarcely explored. The last half of book 3 leaves so many questions. It seemed like Aang and Katara"s relationship was strong and growing but then Katara is confused and doesn"t know if she should be with Aang, until the final scene of the series where they embrace and kiss but there"s no explanation to how they got to that point. No scene where their relationship is fully realized. But the show had already proved it was able to show these little moments between Aang and Katara, and they were amazing (book 2) but then they don"t use them.


EARTH-BENDING STYLE! Say what you want, that was a funny episode

The potential is insane, could have made 3 movies. Im actually fuming. The last airbender free download full movie. Avatar the last airbender cartoon full movie free download in tamil. The last airbender cartoon download free. The Last Airbender free downloads. I just love how the community of avatar is still alive after all these years. Earthbenders can Lavabend Firebenders can Lightningbend Waterbenders can Bloodbend Airbenders.

All avatar fans should just deny this movies existence, just like the eragon people do. Why does this get a sin when the other movies of the same name are the evil ones? Worst M night Shyamalan movie smh. The last airbender part 2 full movie free download. Download avatar the last airbender free.


Avatar the last airbender game pc download free. The Last Airbender free download android. The Last Airbender free download mp3. Well you white haired into the moon. Makes sense now right? XD. I actually liked this movie when i was young, but I also saw the movie before the animated show, so i had nothing to compare it to. One: zukos Indian Two: katara and sokkas white Three: aang looks like a girl. Avatar the last airbender full movie free download.

Avatar the last airbender download free

After watching screen junkie"s honest trailer videos i feel sad... i can"t react haha in youtube????... man why. The last airbender 1 tamil dubbed movie free download. Lei Fengs introduction is just so perfect, and such a blindsided blow to our perception. The episode completely hooks you with this new hope. The characters are slowly but steadily progressing towards their goal then woosh! Wtf moment! This is then after they fought the fire nation already, went through the desert, and lost Appa! The level of wow, I dont know if I can take anymore is surreal! My emotions are everywhere. With Lei Feng, the cast"s entire foundation is swept from under them and replaced with a separate obstacle, him. The man checked them before they even knew they were playing. Masterful entrance.

Now the the avatar fans know how the Percy Jackson fans feel. The Last Airbender free download games. The Last Airbender free download manager. The last airbender free download.














3.1/ 5stars